# AWS variables variable "aws_region" { default = "us-east-2" description = "The AWS Region" } variable "name_prefix" { description = "The prefix for all your resources" default = "testing" type = string } variable "name_suffix" { description = "The suffix for all your resources" type = string } variable "aws_access_key" { description = "AWS Access Key" type = string } variable "aws_secret_key" { description = "AWS Secret Key" type = string } variable "tls_key_algorithm" { default = "RSA" type = string } variable "vpc_cidr" { description = "VPC CIDR" default = "" } variable "public_cidr" { description = "Public CIDR" default = "" } variable "ingress_cidr" { description = "CIDR that is allowed ingress access" default = "" } variable "instance_type" { description = "Instance Type" default = "t2.micro" validation { condition = ( var.instance_type == "t2.micro" || var.instance_type == "t3.medium" || var.instance_type == "m5.large" || var.instance_type == "c5.large" || var.instance_type == "c5a.large" || var.instance_type == "m5.2xlarge" || var.instance_type == "c5.2xlarge" || var.instance_type == "m5.4xlarge" || var.instance_type == "c5.4xlarge" ) error_message = "Instance_type must be set to a valid vm instance type." } }